Please Move Over Your Old F3 Posts As Soon As Possible

Started by Kimberly Gordon, Jan 03, 2023, 02:11 PM

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Kimberly Gordon

Now that we're starting to get settled in over here, I'd ask you all to please move over any posts of yours that you'd like to save from the old forums.

Not everyone is still with us, so if you are moving someone else's post over, be sure to give them credit. (The quote feature is helpful for that.)

If we need to create sub forums or special threads for some posts, just let me know. I'm trying to keep them from sprawling out too much and becoming unmanageable, but totally open to suggestions. I want to make the transition as easy as possible and the new forums easy and fun to use.

Thanks and welcome back!
 Kim :)

crazylady aka Susan

Thank you.  I was going to ask about the moving someone's post over (recipe).  I still use a couple from 2009!

Wife to Dale.  Mom to three and Grammy to two

Kimberly Gordon


I copied over my posts from the recipe section. Glad to have saved those. I am now going to go through and review the other forum sections to see if there is anything in particular I want to save. Man, there was a lot of fantastic information shared there over the decades. sighs... makes me sad. Though I am thankful Kim is offering this option for us to continue.

I hope everyone take a peek to see what they might want to copy and paste before it is gone and inaccessible!


I'm kinda sad that it's all going away.  It's like a journel of my life.

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.--Dr. Suess


Yikes i have 1449 pages of post
No I am not moving all that over.
Just will have to find the time to sit down and look through it all


I have 1765.  Most of it's just day to day stuff.  Not worth moving over.

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.--Dr. Suess


Only one more week to copy your files over, everyone! Don't forget the baking/recipes sections!

I wrote down a list of the general reference things I wanted to move over or copy - like recipes, tips for disasters, my business notes as I was growing my business. etc.

You don't really need to copy tons of individual posts, most likely. Instead, think about going to individual sections like recipes, and then sorting by your name and then deciding which posts you want to copy.

Kimberly Gordon

Agreed. The important thing is getting stuff moved over. We can always reorganize stuff as needed once it's over.

Kimberly Gordon

Reminder: Not much time left to move things over!


I don't think I have anything to move over.  I copied a few things for my own use.  I will leave most of it as is.  I went down memory lane.


mev, I went ahead and copied over two recipes you had posted on FFF. :)

Kimberly Gordon

As of right now, Fractured is still up, but I am not sure for how long. So if there's anything else you want to move over, now's a good time!